AwReporting is an open-source Java framework that is optimized for large-scale retrieval of AdWords API reports.

We plan to release a new major version (v2.0) within the next few months that will
This release will have some backwards incompatible changes, such as
  • uses report type names with “AW_” prefix as database table names
  • uses field names as database column names
  • renames setting “mccAccountId” to “managerAccountId” in properties file
  • renames setting "" to ""
  • renames processor type setting’s options from “ON_FILE” to “FILE”, and “ON_MEMORY” to “STREAM”
  • removes “-debug” and “-verbose” command line options, and depends on log configuration file (default one is for setting logging granularity
  • removes server modules (aw-reporting-server and aw-reporting-server-appengine) in the new release since they have third-party dependencies that are not actively maintained
If you are actively using the aw-reporting-server or aw-reporting-server-appengine module or have any questions about this upcoming release, please let us know on this forum thread.