Interested in more Google+ Office Hour Hangouts? We know you are because attendance has been great! We've scheduled another round for all of our products this summer. You can view the newly scheduled hangouts on the Google Developers events page. Please RSVP by clicking the “I’ll be there” button if you plan on attending. You can also continue to follow our schedule by subscribing to the Google Ads Developer Office Hours calendar which is also linked on the sidebar to the right of this blog entry.

New for this round, in response to requests, we will be posting the link to the hangout in each of our respective forums. Apparently you guys are extremely interested in coming but sometimes forgetful and wanted an extra email reminder from the forums.

In case you haven’t joined us before, you will need 3 things to join the hangout:
These hangouts are informal and conversational, which make them a great place to ask questions or give us feedback. If you have questions about our office hours program, reach out to us on the forums.