Welcome back to Chart Tools week here on the blog, where we're continuing our overview of generating charts for your AdSense reporting with Google Chart Tools. Today we’ll examine how to generate two other types of charts: a table chart and a geo chart.

Table chart

The third chart requested by our CEO is a table chart. The table chart will contain the number of ad requests, the number of matched ad requests, and the number of individual ad impressions broken down by ad client ID.

Our request will have these parameters:

start date:2011-01-01
end date:2011-12-31

And the result will be similar to:

result = {
  "kind": "adsense#report",
  "totalMatchedRows": "4",
  "headers": [ {...} ],
  "rows": [
    ["ca-afdo-pub-1234567890123456", "59", "55", "232"],
    ["partner-mb-pub-1234567890123456", "1", "0", "0"]
  "totals": ["", "278", "264", "825"],
  "averages": ["", "69", "66", "206"]

As usual, let’s create a DataTable and a DataView to perform transformations on columns:

var data = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([['Ad client id',
var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
  {calc:function(dataTable, rowNum) {return parseInt(dataTable.getValue(
      rowNum, 1))}, type:'number', label:'Ad requests'},
  {calc:function(dataTable, rowNum) {return parseInt(dataTable.getValue(
      rowNum, 2))}, type:'number', label:'Matched ad requests'},
  {calc:function(dataTable, rowNum) {return parseInt(dataTable.getValue(
      rowNum, 3))}, type:'number', label:'Individual ad impressions'}

Finally, let’s draw the table chart. Note that there is no title for a table chart: if you need one, you’ll have to add it in a different element.

var tableWrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
  chartType: 'Table',
  dataTable: view,
  containerId: 'vis_div'

The table chart for our CEO is ready, and it can be sorted and paged.

Check the live example and the source code for today!

Geo chart

Finally, the last chart requested from our CEO: a geo chart. The geo chart will show the number of page views for the year broken down by country name.

Our request will have these parameters:

start date:2011-01-01
end date:2011-12-31

And the result will be similar to:

result = {
  "kind": "adsense#report",
  "totalMatchedRows": "9",
  "headers": [ {...} ],
  "rows": [
    ["Canada", "1"],
    ["United States", "52"]
  "totals": ["", "241"],
  "averages": ["", "26"],

DataTable and DataView creation step:

var data = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(
          [['Country', 'Page Views']].concat(resp.rows));

var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
  {calc:function(dataTable, rowNum) {return parseInt(dataTable.getValue(
      rowNum, 1))}, type:'number', label:'Page views'}

Now we can draw the geo chart. For the geo chart there is no title:

var geoChartWrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
  chartType: 'GeoChart',
  dataTable: view,
  containerId: 'vis_div'

Et voilà! We have a map of the world with colors and values assigned to specific countries representing the page views from the countries for the current year.

Check the live example and the source code for today.

Time to play!

Eager to try to see what you can do combining these two powerful Google APIs?

You can start immediately using our Google API Explorer and our Google Visualization PlayGround. You can use the Explorer to query our AdSense Management API, and then use the results inside the code on the Visualization PlayGround to generate a chart.

In the next and final part of this series, we will see how to assemble multiple charts into dashboards and enrich them with interactive controls to manipulate the data they display.

Meanwhile, feel free to post any questions related to Google Chart Tools in Google Visualization API forum, or visit our AdSense Management API forum to ask general questions.