Introducing AdSense Management Services in Apps Script
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Starting today, the AdSense Management API is available as part of AdSense Services in Google Apps Script. This means that you’ll be able to do things like:
You can start using the service by checking out the reference documentation, that contains also some sample scripts, and this tutorial that implements the use cases mentioned above.
Happy Google Apps Scripting with the AdSense Management API!
- Create AdSense performance reports for your AdSense accounts in a Google spreadsheet
- Create a chart based on your AdSense reporting data and display it in a Google Spreadsheet
- Embed your scripts in a Google Sites page, for instance to import a chart
- Use triggers to schedule the execution of your scripts, for instance to periodically update the chart imported in the Google Sites page
function generateReport() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Reports'); var startDate = Browser.inputBox( "Enter a start date (format: 'yyyy-mm-dd')"); var endDate = Browser.inputBox( "Enter an end date (format: 'yyyy-mm-dd')"); var args = { 'metric': ['PAGE_VIEWS', 'AD_REQUESTS', 'MATCHED_AD_REQUESTS', 'INDIVIDUAL_AD_IMPRESSIONS'], 'dimension': ['MONTH']}; var report = AdSense.Reports.generate(startDate, endDate, args).getRows(); for (var i=0; i<report.length; i++) { var row = report[i]; sheet.getRange('A' + String(i+2)).setValue(row[0]); sheet.getRange('B' + String(i+2)).setValue(row[1]); sheet.getRange('C' + String(i+2)).setValue(row[2]); sheet.getRange('D' + String(i+2)).setValue(row[3]); sheet.getRange('E' + String(i+2)).setValue(row[4]); } }If you want to generate a chart from your data instead of populating the spreadsheet, that’s very easy as well:
function generateLineChart() { var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var startDate = Browser.inputBox( "Enter a start date (format: 'yyyy-mm-dd')"); var endDate = Browser.inputBox( "Enter an end date (format: 'yyyy-mm-dd')"); var adClientId = Browser.inputBox("Enter an ad client id"); var args = { 'filter': ['AD_CLIENT_ID==' + adClientId], 'metric': ['PAGE_VIEWS', 'AD_REQUESTS', 'MATCHED_AD_REQUESTS', 'INDIVIDUAL_AD_IMPRESSIONS'], 'dimension': ['MONTH']}; var report = AdSense.Reports.generate(startDate, endDate, args).getRows(); var data = Charts.newDataTable() .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.STRING, "Month") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Page views") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Ad requests") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Matched ad requests") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Individual ad impressions"); // Convert the metrics to numeric values. for (var i=0; i<report.length; i++) { var row = report[i]; data.addRow([row[0],parseInt(row[1]),parseInt(row[2]), parseInt(row[3]),parseInt(row[4])]); }; var chart = Charts.newLineChart() .setDataTable(data) .setTitle("Performances per Month") .build(); var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle("Performances"); var panel = app.createVerticalPanel() .setHeight('350') .setWidth('700'); panel.add(chart); app.add(panel);; }A shiny line chart will be displayed in your spreadsheet, as shown in the following picture:
You can start using the service by checking out the reference documentation, that contains also some sample scripts, and this tutorial that implements the use cases mentioned above.
Happy Google Apps Scripting with the AdSense Management API!
Edit: fixed typo.