Over the next several Google Ads API updates, we'll be adding new types of resources you can track using the ChangeStatus feature.

What this means for you:
  • More detailed tracking: You'll soon be able to better track changes to your Google Ads accounts.
  • Important - Check for UNKNOWN changes: Even in older versions of the API, you might start seeing new change entries. These entries will show up as UNKNOWN resource types because the older versions won’t support the new values.
Over the next several Google Ads API updates, we'll be adding new types of resources you can track using the ChangeStatus feature.

What this means for you:
  • More detailed tracking: You'll soon be able to better track changes to your Google Ads accounts.
  • Important - Check for UNKNOWN changes: Even in older versions of the API, you might start seeing new change entries. These entries will show up as UNKNOWN resource types because the older versions won’t support the new values.
How to prepare:
  • Handle UNKNOWN: If your app uses ChangeStatus, make sure it can handle entries with a resource type of UNKNOWN. This will prevent errors when the new types are added.
  • Update to the latest API version: Once the new version is released, updating your app will show the correct, specific names of the new change types instead of UNKNOWN.
  • We'll announce the exact new resource types in the release notes when the update is live.
If you have any questions, please ask them in the Google Ads API forum. We're here to help!

Version 24.0.0 of the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK is now available. To take advantage of the latest features and performance improvements, we highly recommend you configure your app to upgrade as soon as possible. Major changes to the SDK are as follows:

Version 24.0.0 of the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK is now available. To take advantage of the latest features and performance improvements, we highly recommend you configure your app to upgrade as soon as possible. Major changes to the SDK are as follows:

Minimum Android API level

Starting with version 24.0.0, the Google Mobile Ads SDK requires all apps to be on a minimum Android API level of 23. To adjust the API level, change the value of minSdk in your app-level build.gradle file to 23 or higher.

Optimized initialization and ad loading

By default, The OPTIMIZE_INITIALIZATION and OPTIMIZE_AD_LOADING flags are now generally available and set to true. These flags help reduce ANRs. You can further prevent ANRs by initializing the Google Mobile Ads SDK on a background thread. For more information, see Optimize initialization and ad loading.

Removed ad services config in AndroidManifest.xml

To prevent merge conflicts for apps that configure API-specific Ad Services, we've removed the android.adservices.AD_SERVICES_CONFIG property tag from the SDK’s manifest file. This change provides greater flexibility for developers who need to customize their Ad Services configurations.

SDK deprecation and sunset timelines activated

With this Android major version 24 launch and the iOS major version 12 launch last month, new deprecation and sunset dates for older releases are as follows:

  • Android Google Mobile Ads SDK versions 22.0.0 - 22.6.0 are officially deprecated, and will sunset in June 2026.
  • Android versions 21.x.x and iOS versions 9.x.x will sunset on June 30, 2025.
    • While there are currently no plans to disable ad serving on Android versions 21.x.x and iOS versions 9.x.x, we strongly recommend updating to the latest SDK version to avoid future impactions.

For a complete list of changes in v24.0.0 and detailed migration steps, check the release notes and SDK migration guide. If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us through Mobile Ads SDK Support.

We are introducing several changes to the CustomerService.CreateCustomerClient method to align the Google Ads API with how Google Ads UI handles new account creation functionality. These changes will take effect on ...
We are introducing several changes to the CustomerService.CreateCustomerClient method to align the Google Ads API with how Google Ads UI handles new account creation functionality. These changes will take effect on March 17, 2025.

New error codes for policy enforcement
In order to limit abuse, the Google Ads API introduced two new error codes in the version v19 of the API for the purpose of policy enforcement.
  1. Google Ads manager accounts that do not have a certain threshold of spending or a certain number of active child accounts without policy issues (for example, not suspended or closed for policy violations) will be ineligible to create child accounts under them. Developers will receive a CustomerError.CREATION_DENIED_INELIGIBLE_MCC error code in the upcoming version v19 of the Google Ads API. To fix the issue, link a Google Ads account that is compliant with the Google policies and meets the threshold spending levels under your manager account.
  2. Google Ads manager accounts that have been flagged for policy violations related to account creation will no longer be able to create child accounts under them. Developers will receive a CustomerError.CREATION_DENIED_FOR_POLICY_VIOLATION error code in the upcoming version v19 of the Google Ads API.
In both these cases, existing API versions (v18 and older) will throw a ContextError.OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CONTEXT error instead.

Quota limits for account creation
The Google Ads API will enforce limits on creation of new Google Ads accounts. Developers will receive a QuotaError.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error once the limits are reached. The retry_delay field of the quota_error_details contains additional details on how long you should wait before retrying the API call. We do not expect most developers to be affected by these limits.

What do I need to do?
If your application uses the Google Ads API to create new Google Ads accounts, you should review your code to ensure that your application correctly handles these new error codes.

If you have any questions or need help, check out the Google Ads API support page for options.Reach out to the Google Ads product support team for any questions related to account policies.

Today, we’re announcing the v19 release of the Google Ads API. To use some of the v19 features, you will need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week.
Today, we’re announcing the v19 release of the Google Ads API. To use some of the v19 features, you will need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week.

Here are the highlights:
  • Added support automatically generating enhanced video assets for Performance Max campaigns.
  • Removed all feed-related entities from the Google Ads API like Feed, FeedMapping, FeedService, AdGroupFeed, feed_placeholder_view. Users should now use assets to achieve the same purpose.
  • Demand Gen ads now support 9:16 portrait image assets. Use DemandGenMultiAssetAdInfo.tall_portrait_marketing_images to include these assets in your ads.
  • Added more methods to DataLinkService for updating and removing previously created DataLink for YouTube.
  • ValueRuleItineraryAdvanceBookingWindow now supports targeting for travel searches that take place today.
  • Removed support for VIDEO_OUTSTREAM.
  • (For allowlisted accounts only) Updates to brand guidelines
    • Brand guidelines can now be enabled for Performance Max campaigns during campaign creation. We also added a new CampaignService.EnablePMaxBrandGuidelines which allows you to enable brand guidelines for existing Performance Max campaigns.
    • You can set the brand guidelines’ details such as font family and colors using Campaign.brand_guidelines.
  • (For allowlisted accounts only) Added support for message assets through Asset.business_message_asset.
Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you get started: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

We're pleased to announce that v202502 of the Google Ad Manager API is now available. This is a maintenance release to add new error types for entity limits.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

We're pleased to announce that v202502 of the Google Ad Manager API is now available. This is a maintenance release to add new error types for entity limits.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

What’s changing?
Starting the week of May 1 2025, we will roll out consent unbundling for OAuth user authentication to all Google Cloud projects which were created before 2019. If you own an application that uses an Ads-related API through a Google Cloud project created before 2019, you may need to update your application to handle unbundled user consent before ...
What’s changing?
Starting the week of May 1 2025, we will roll out consent unbundling for OAuth user authentication to all Google Cloud projects which were created before 2019. If you own an application that uses an Ads-related API through a Google Cloud project created before 2019, you may need to update your application to handle unbundled user consent before May 1 2025.

Consent unbundling for OAuth user authentication flow allows users to customize which specific OAuth scopes they want to authorize your application for, rather than an all-or-nothing approach. All the Google Cloud console projects created since 2019 have this feature turned on, whereas all the projects created before 2019 have this feature turned off.

The following screenshot shows the difference between an all-or-nothing consent prompt, and an unbundled consent prompt. Figure 1: All-or-nothing consent screen. Users aren’t allowed to choose from a list of OAuth scopes.

Figure 2: Unbundled consent screen. Users are allowed to choose from a list of OAuth scopes.

Who is affected by this change?
You will be affected by this change if ALL of the following conditions are met:
  1. Your API application uses a Google Cloud Console project that was created before 2019.
  2. Your application implements the OAuth 2.0 user consent flow – an authentication workflow where the user logs in with their Google account and grants one or more permissions that your application is requesting.
  3. Your application uses more than one Google API, and one of the APIs is an Ads-related API listed below.
Who isn’t affected by this change?
  • Existing refresh tokens: This change doesn’t affect user authentications that you already have in place. Your existing refresh tokens will continue to work without any changes or re-authentication.
  • Single scope applications: If your application uses only one Google API scope, your application isn’t affected by this change, since there aren’t multiple OAuth scope to unbundle.
  • Single user applications / Manually authenticated applications: Your application doesn’t have an explicit OAuth user authentication flow implemented. Instead, you use a manual authentication script such as GenerateUserCredentials, gcloud CLI or OAuth Playground to authenticate the user, and then use those credentials for a long period of time. Since you select all the scopes that your application requires while authenticating, your application isn’t affected by this change.
  • Service accounts: If your application uses a service account to authenticate your API calls, you won’t be affected by this change

What do I need to do?
You need to ensure that your application can handle partial user consent. To do this,
  1. Request the list of OAuth scopes that the user consented to by including the include_granted_scopes parameter in your OAuth flow.
  2. Examine the actual list of OAuth scopes that the user consented in the OAuth response.
  3. Implement incremental authorization in your application.
Review our OAuth granular consent guide to learn about the requirements and best practices to handle granular consent.

How do I test this feature?
There are two ways to test this feature:
  1. Create a new Google Cloud project: New Google Cloud projects have enabled OAuth consent unbundling. So you can create a new Google Cloud project, and use it for testing your application.
  2. Enable consent unbundling in your existing project: You can set the enable_granular_consent parameter to true in your OAuth authorization request.
Which API scopes are affected?
The following APIs related to Ads are affected by this change.
API OAuth Scope
Google Ads API https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords
Google Ad Manager API (SOAP API, Beta) https://www.googleapis.com/auth/dfp
Bid Manager API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclickbidmanager
Content API for Shopping https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content
Display and Video 360 API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
AdMob API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.report
AdSense for Platforms API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adsensehost
Google Analytics API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics
Campaign Manager 360 API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ddmconversions
Search Ads 360 API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclicksearch
Google Tag Manager API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/tagmanager.delete.containers
Real time bidding API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/realtime-bidding
Authorized Buyers Marketplace API https://www.googleapis.com/auth/authorized-buyers-marketplace

How to get help
If you have any questions or need help, reach out to your respective API’s support team with your questions.

In the coming months, we will make changes to the Display & Video 360 API and Structured Data Files to improve API function and better align with the Display & Video 360 product.
In the coming months, we will make changes to the Display & Video 360 API and Structured Data Files to improve API function and better align with the Display & Video 360 product.

These changes may impact your existing integrations. We have announced these changes on our Announced Deprecations page. We recommend you review these individual changes that will take effect on the following dates: If you believe any of these changes will impact your integrations, follow the recommended actions in the change description.

If you run into any issues or have questions about these changes, please contact us using our new Display & Video 360 API Technical support contact form.