Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Accountstatuses now includes account-level issues in the Content API for Shopping

Starting today, calls to the Accountstatuses service return not only product-level issues, but also account-level issues. This means all account-level issues present in the Diagnostics tab of the Merchant Center can now be retrieved using the Content API. Account-level issues are located in a new accountLevelIssues field, so existing code should be unaffected by this change. For more details, see the accountStatus resource representation in the reference documentation.

Note: Some account-level issues, like unclaimed websites, were already returned as product-level issues. Currently, these issues still show up at the product level as well as at the account level, but this may change in the future.

If you have any questions or feedback about the changes to issue reporting or other questions about the Content API for Shopping, please let us know on the forum.